Workers are returning to the office, students are returning to the classroom, but we are not "back to normal." No one has a crystal ball on the best way to reintegrate our workforce as we move into the final stages of COVID-19. However, there are useful lessons we can learn from other sectors to make coming back to the office a positive choice for your team.
Join Haley Grayless, workplace culture consultant and CEO of Växa Collective, to learn useful tips on how to keep your employees supported while helping them navigate through even more change and transition.
In the second part of the session, Haley will be joined by two panelists to share their perspective on workforce reintegration: Clyde McQueen, CEO of the Full Employment Council, and Richard Potter, Director of the VFW Foundation. Whether someone is returning to civilian life after a military deployment, or someone is going back to being fully employed, there are transferrable lessons to help make the experience of coming back together a smooth transition for everyone.