Haley's Take on: Giving Feedback

Have you ever been nervous to give feedback at work?⁠

Been hurt by feedback that someone else has given you?⁠

Does conflict make you feel uncomfortable?⁠

Learning how to effectively give & receive feedback in vital for your company’s workplace culture. ⁠

Has anyone read Radical Candor by Kim Scott? ⁠
In it, she talks about a super simple way to address feedback radically and candidly. (As the title implies) ⁠

She says that to truly care personally and challenge directly, you can give feedback using the "situation, behavior, impact" model.⁠

Here's an example (of POSITIVE FEEDBACK):⁠
"In your presentation (situation), the way you talked about our decision to diversify (behavior) was persuasive because you showed everyone you'd heard the other point of view (impact)." ⁠

I love this simple formula! ⁠

Tell me, how can you implement this system into your workplace relationships? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻⁠

#vaxacollective #workplaceculture #employeeenegagement #radicalcandor #feedback


Intentional Productivity


The importance of boundaries