What are your values?

Some may think this is a fluffy question... but I see values as the driving force in life. ⁠

@brenebrown says that we should really try to focus on just 2 main values in life - and make sure that everything we do aligns with those values. ⁠

After reading Dare to Lead (twice), I have decided my two core values are 1) making a difference/changing the world and 2) courage. Within those values, I also hold up grace, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, social justice, reconciliation, environmentalism, kindness, and humility. I'm not living these values out perfectly, but they're what I'm striving toward. ⁠

What values are you striving to uphold in your life? Comment below! 👇🏻👇🏻⁠

📷: @sojournercreative

#millennialworkforce #leadership #inspiration


What is rewarding to you?


Intentional Productivity