Psychological safety isn't about being nice!

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✨Last week I hosted a virtual workshop on improving your team’s culture through psychological safety. Talking about psychological safety is one of my favorite topics to discuss because I feel like it is invaluable to a team’s culture. Feeling safe to share ideas and be vulnerable is just a snapshot into what psychological safety is all about, but I feel like Dr. Amy Edmondson says so much in this quote to help us gain a better understanding of what it looks like within our organizations. ⁠

✨As we enter the 7th week of being socially distanced and quarantines, people are probably feeling the effects of the prolonged time of working from home or just being away from other people—especially your teams. What is your organization doing to help you feel psychologically safe during this time? Comment below. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻⁠


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