What Makes A Good Leader? Servant Leadership
The phrase "servant leadership" is sometimes considered a cheesy, ubiquitous quality that many leaders like to use to describe themselves. However, being a true servant leader is tough work. A few ways you can be a servant leader on your team is to get your "hands dirty" -- understand what your team members are dealing with by going to meetings with them, helping them strategize or troubleshoot a situation, or do some of the work yourself if you haven't held their job before.
One way to show servant leadership is to walk around the office and get to know people on your team and in other departments. This is especially vital if you're a high-level leader, such as in the C-suite. These walkarounds are actually enjoyable to most employees, especially when you're just looking to say hi and chat a little; not check in on what they're working on currently.
What examples have you seen from your leaders? How do you intentionally serve your team?