Tuesday Tip!


Here’s a little Tuesday tip: You can be a leader even if you're not in a manager position. You can be a leader even if you have a small team, if your audience is small. You can be a leader even if you aren’t in a traditional workplace. ⁠

Simon Sinek, author and motivational speaker, reminds us “Leadership is a choice, not a rank.” So while we are all tempted to look at our ranks to determine whether or not we are a leader, let’s reimagine what being a leader even means. ⁠

People sometimes say “Well, I’m not a leader.” And you are totally a leader if you have influence! If you are in charge of any group of people - small group, children, the list goes on. Even in a family or group of friends - leadership is more of a choice of behavior. A leader is someone who role models a desired behavior, who looks out for fellow team members, and who influences other! ⁠

What does leadership mean to you? What does it look like?⁠

We are always talking about leadership in our Facebook community (Millennials Advancing Leadership Skills)! Sound like something you may be interested in?


Management Block you might be experiencing: not knowing what drives your team members - and how to find out!


Step Three: Check on your team, offer support, & provide resources.⁠⁠