Celebrating Black History Month | Little Rock Nine


As we continue highlighting and celebrating African Americans this month, one group that deserves recognition beyond what words could describe is the Little Rock Nine. This group of African Americans was the first to walk into Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Their enrollment was followed by the Little Rock Crisis in which the students were initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school. In 1956 the United States Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were illegal. The case, Brown Vs. The Board of Education has become iconic for Americans because it marked the formal beginning of the end of segregation.⁠

These nine inspiring individuals created the Little Rock Nine Foundation to promote the ideals of justice and educational equality. At Växa Collective, we hold these values as part of our business because we believe in the innate value of all people, as well as standing up for what is right. Today, let's all find a way to advocate for another person who needs us


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