Friday Favorites


Happy Friday! I know I share a lot on here about my passion for positive workplace culture and engaging your employees, but I love other things too! I thought I would share some things I am loving.

✨Currently reading: Finishing Good to Great by Jim Collins -- a must-read for anyone who wants to be a great leader!

✨ Watching: I've been watching a funny little workplace comedy called The Office- ever heard of it? 😂 And I hardcore binged the new season of Dead to Me. Loved it!

✨ Listening: I love the band Caamp! Unfortunately, I'm way behind on my podcasts because of quarantine, but I do love Armchair Expert and Brené Brown's new podcast!

✨ Eating/Cooking: My roommate made a delicious creamy garlic and herb seafood sauce the other night.... and now that it's summer I'm really enjoying peanuts in the shell. Such a great simple pleasure! Oh-- and I'm newly obsessed with Tapatio hot sauce. 🔥

✨ Enjoying: I really wanted my white sheets to be brighter and look new, so I've been adding borax to my washing cycle and it's really helping! Okay, I just realized that's the most boring answer ever... so how about the 90 day free trial of Peloton's workout app. 🤪

What are you enjoying these days? Comment below! 👇🏻

#workplaceculture #employeeengagement #fridayfavorites


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