Motivation for your Monday!


Need a little motivation for your Monday? ⁠ ⁠

Just think of Mondays as a little mini New Year. Situations and circumstances in the past haven't gone away and won't disappear--but Mondays are a fresh start. They are a new beginning for possibilities, dreams, desires, communicated expectations, and the list goes on! ⁠ ⁠

That coworker of yours might still be irritating, you may still be navigating change within your team's culture, and you may have had a not so good weekend. But TODAY you can choose to have a new attitude, to reengage, and encourage positive workplace culture on your teams. ⁠ ⁠

👉🏻 What motivates you on a Monday morning? 👇🏻Comment below! ⁠ ⁠

#vaxacollective #kcmo #igkc #igkansascity #organizationaldevelopment #leadership #workplaceculture #motivationmonday #freshstart ⁠


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